Step 1 - Get the report id of the requested report 

psql -U warehouse -d warehouse -p 7025 -h
warehouse=# Select * from user_custom_reports where ent_id='22507053' and status='A';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
report_id | 46
report_name | New Daily Report for PINELABS- V2(ALL)
ent_id | 22507053
feed_id | -1
group_attributes |
file_headers | publish_date,mobile_no,delivery_status,delivery_time,sender_id,no_of_sms,request_id,transaction_id,message_tag,reason_code
show_counts | 1
filter_condt |
output_file_type | csv:,
create_file_by | 1
transpose | none
hide_repeated_grp_keys | 0
show_totals | 0
created_by | 2
created_on | 2024-05-14 09:20:58.59013
status | A
report_type |
start_date |
end_date |
show_billable | 1
alertmail_flag | 0
mail_ids |
dlr_status | 3
show_templateid | 0
show_msg_type_flag | 0

  1. Note down the    report_id from step 1   

  2. Identify the frequency , report mode & report destination 

warehouse=# Select * from user_custom_reports_schedule where report_id=46;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
schedule_id | 47
report_id | 46
frequency | daily
distribution | {'mode':4, 'host':'', 'userid':'NETCORE_PL', 'pass':'XXXXXXXX', 'path':'/NETCORE', 'port':'22'}
status | A
created_by | 2
created_on | 2024-05-14 09:21:45.491084
updated_by |
updated_on |
schedule_time |
time_zone |

Below are the details for repush 

script path: /home/web/schedule_custom_reports/scripts/

So in above case the repush will be like 

nohup perl /home/web/schedule_custom_reports/scripts/ 1 20240604 46 1


  1. Status of the schedule is available in below table 



  1. The requested report must be having “ACTIVE” STATUS

  2. If the report is at the enterprise level , then all the feed ID reports will be repushed 

  3. Access to web1 user must be there for executing this on olddell22