This is regarding the TRAI PE-TM Chain Binding on DLT.

For more information on TRAI's recent communication, please click here.

Action Required by Principal Entities (PEs):

  1. Log in to your respective DLT portal.
  2. Select the "Chain" option on the dashboard. Each operator has similar options to define the chain process.
  3. Click on "New Chain" and enter Netcore Cloud as the Telemarketer with TM ID (1502444440000011444) and submit the request.
  4. Netcore Cloud, as the Telemarketer (DF - Delivery Function), will review and approve the request on DLT.
  5. After Telemarketer approval, the request will return to the Principal Entity (PE) for final confirmation. Please log in to your PE DLT account again to approve the PE-TM chain. Once approved, the chain is complete!

For more detailed guidance, please click here to download the User Manuals. You can also view the webinar recording here.


TRAI’s directives will be enforced by operators starting December 11, 2024. Non-compliance may lead to SMS delivery failures.

DIY Video on how to add PE TM chain on DLT portal:-

We have added a new DLR Status in SMS reports  "DLT Chain Failure" with Status Code:44 for any failure due to chain related issue.