Inorder to unlock the account we request you to send SMS as UNLOCK to 9902099020 from your registered mobile no. Once the account is unlocked, we request you to try login with your old password and if you still get password mismatch error then we request you not to try again with the same password since your account gets locked for more than three wrong attempts.

Please follow the below steps to set a new password:

1) Send message as 'PASS' to 9902099020

2) Once OTP is received, you can login using that OTP however if you want to change the password then please click on 'Change Password'.

3) Under Mobile Number enter your register Mobile number which you use for login, under Current Password use the same OTP that you have received on your registered Mobile number, then enter the New Password and confirm the New Password again and Click on Submit to reset.(Password must contains min 6 and max 16 characters, with lower or upper case letters, atleast one numeric and special character [!@#$%^&*])

4) The password gets changed, use the new password to login.